Sunday, 3 July 2011

Here I am!!!

Been Soooo busy lately I don't even know where to start!!  O'k, I'll just pick out the good bits!!

I have done several craft fairs and a village fete.  From a fianacial point of view one of the craft fairs was 'o'k', I met a few lovely people who passed numbers to me of helpful contacts!! Not that I have had any time to follow them up yet!!  One of the craft fairs was a total and utter waste of 7 hours!! - Oh well!!

The Fete was yesterday and it was a great day.  The theme was 1940's and it was on the Village Green in the local village of Somerleyton.

The empty grass to the forefront of the picture was left open for the afternoon games!  To the rear on the left you will see Army trucks and tucked away to the back on the right is the gorgeous thatched village school!

After a very warm, busy day the Donkeys head home!

I was soo busy I had no chance to take pictures when the fete was at it's busiest!!  Just before packing up time I grabbed the camera and took this picture!

Carriage rides were available around the village!

I think I must have sold a third of the stock and so now I must pull my finger out and create some more!!

What else has happened?

Ahh yes! .... due to a brief illicit encounter Charlie and Rosy are now the proud parents of three teeny cuties!  Two plain white to follow... and a baby Charlie!

'Baby Charlie' - Love 'im!!!!

The chicks are just getting their funny hair do's!!

It was two of my daughters birthdays last week so that was a little chaotic to say the least!!
I've also had several enquiries about jewellery parties and a couple of group workshops booked!!

On a much calmer note we took a little time out today and went off to Dunwich for a stroll around the forest.

If you look closely you will see Mr Cricket!!!

Mr Photogenic refusing to turn around for the camera!! ha ha

Hopefully tomorrow will see the return of some sort of normality (Normality? Who am I kidding!!)
First job for the morning is to clear my desk and work area!  I would take a picture but I'm sure none of you would return to my Blog!! ha ha

I've missed you all!! Thanks for all  the emails I've received!!....I'm Baaack!!

If you don't know where you are going,
you'll end up someplace else.

Yogi Berra


Planta Genista said...

I'm breathless just reading the account of your life! ;-)
Glad for you that you could sell well on this show. But don't you wonder sometimes how people can make a living selling on markets, or selling jewellery, for that matter? All the markets or shows I have attended so far, every seller made rather poor business, with the exception of the food sellers. Hhm, what about edible jewellery? ;-)

JCIC said...

I don't imagine there can be that many people out there that survive solely on the income of making jewellery. There isn't very much money around at the moment. Edible jewellery would simply lead to a very overweight me making even less money!! ha ha ha Sounds tasty though!!

Glenda x